
怒涛の3月(Jpns, English)- 2



Ok, let's start to talk about this fun trip in Hokkaido!

Oikon trip 追いコン旅行

Oikon is kind of farewell party for graduate students and we had two graduating students this year.

Usually, Oikon is just a trip, no work or performance.
Some group of people going to ski, others going to Onsen(hot spring),,, and so on!
However our saxophone studio is,,, well, becoming different from other studios and other group of people!
This time, we went to Hokkaido to have two gigs and to enjoy Hokkaido trip as well!...Even though a lot of rehearsals killed our spring break:P
Nice memory too, ah~~~




Asahikawa gig 旭川公演

We went to Asahikawa, Hokkaido day before the gig and after arrived, some people ate Ramen, other people enjoyed to have a cop of coffee by using electric pot which kept in the room.


This photo was took at Asahikawa station. Very modern and clean.

旭川駅にて。 すごくモダンで綺麗でした。こういう建築大好きなんですけど、こういう感じの雰囲気の建物(内装?)は、単なるトレンドなのかな?それとも・・・?

The afternoon of the next day, we started rehearsal and checking in the music hall.
In this rehearsal time, we realised we had some problems, but we just find the way how we can run our schedule and start the concert...!
What kind of problem? -well, for example, we didn't have programs due to traffic accident :(


Even we had such a kind of problem, we survived!
Because we worked very hard and well cooperated. Also many people support us!

We really appreciate for all of people who came to our concert and support us!

本当に感謝しています! ありがとうございました!

Sapporo gig 札幌公演

Day after the gig, we went to Sapporo for next gig.
...Oh wait, before the gig, we rehearsed at another place, and then we went to the concert hall.


This is the hall, "Clock tower".
135 years past since this tower was build. Looks old, but really elegant.


We had just 30 mins before the opening time! Too short!
So checking, and setting music stands and chairs, little bit rehearsal...


I played Desenclos' quartet piece and Disco kid, and I played both pieces with Baritone.
However in Disco kid, all four players play Baritone!!! So fabulous!! 

そして旭川公演と札幌公演で演目が1曲だけ違ったのですが、こっちの札幌公演の方では、吹奏楽で人気のディスコ・キッドをバリトンサックス4本で !というのもやったりとか。

Thank you so much for all of people who supported our concert!
And also, I really appreciate for all of studio members and teacher.


Summary まとめ

There were,,, a lot of troubles though...


Each members tried to help each other for solving problems and I think this is very important point for everybody to be keeping our relationship better.
I think we are trying to be as a professional but of course we are friends.
...Well, I dunno how I can explain, but I guess it is good to hope for each other's or group's fruit.



Otherwise, we couldn't make it ;)


Thank you so much for every people who supported our concerts, and also I really appreciate for two saxophonists who played with us as extra members and teachers.


By the way, since tomorrow, I become junior.
Well, still junior though :P

Ok, see ya!

ようやく(笑)3年生です。 さ、頑張りまっしょー。


怒涛の3月(Jpns, English) -1


It's been a long time since I stop to write both languages(Japanese and English), so I feel little bit unconfortable to blog something in English :P
If you think "oh it's wrong!", just let me knowwwwww!!!


I felt this month was very short and made me feel very fast to be passed.
Because of busy rehearsal days some events.


Quatuor B academy student concert

First of all, I joined an event which was organized by participants of Quatuor B academy and Quatuor B members.
Although I just joined large ensemble as a soprano player, I was very excited to hear many amateur players' ensembles.


Also of course it was very fun time to play with many people who love saxophone.
I think members of Quatuor B(oh, forgot to tell you: my teacher is tenor player of this quartet!) were also enjoyed to hear and play with students, that's why we could shared precious moments.

I really appreciate for organize team and everybody who gathered for this cocnert!



Studio concert

After I finished all of exams(it was mid of February), it was started a lot of rehearsals for studio concert.
The concert date was day after Quatuor B academy concert! Guess it was VERY hard to manage my schedules! lol

I played Baritone in Quartet and alto in Large then.
Since I became sophomore, I started to play Baritone and it was not so hard for me.
But I realized it was difficult to play like electric base or something bass part even there're not so many notes.
It needs to be controlled for playing every single notes in exact timing and dynamics.
In addition, bass player has to make music's atmosphere for making soprano(or melody part) feel comfortable.
Like, bass part is ground, and over the ground, other three parts build the music.

...It's just I thought :P

Anyways, I was enjoyed to play with every studio friends! Thank you so much:)

しかもその門下発表会の日にちが、先ほどのQuatuor B academyの翌日!w すげー( ゚д゚)

なんていうか、エレキとかその他ベースみたいにやるのって、いくら音が少ないからって・・・ いや〜難しいんだって!!w

戯言か :P

まあとにかく!汗 本当にみんなありがとうございました!

Shared terrace

Not exactly, but almost a year past since I started to perform at Shared terrace in Gaien-mae.
It was very hard but fun to prepare and perform.

This time, I planned to play with three saxophonists(include me) and a pianist.
One saxophone and a piano, two and piano, two saxophones without piano, and three saxophones and piano.
Many types of ensemble I programmed to play and take a rest. Nice idea, huh?

We played some popular pieces like My favorite things, lovin' you, and seasons of love from RENT.

There was a trouble to rent amplifier, but other members supported me to bring it.
I'm really sorry about that and also really wanna say thank you for two of members.
Because of their effort, we could play with so much fun.(Perhaps only me:P)


いや〜 結構準備すんの大変なんですけどw


いつも大体みんなが知ってるようなやつとかをメインでやってまして、今回は「私のお気に入り」「Lovin' you」、あとミュージカルRENTよりSeasons of Loveなど。


It is already too long blog, so I will make one more posting separately to describe Hokakido story.

Oh, you wanna ask "what is Hokkaido story?", please check next posting!
なんのこっちゃ、って? 次の記事を是非見て下さいね!