150th Anniversary of the birth of Claude Debussy(1862-2012)
- Decruck/ Sonate en ut diese
- Debussy/ Rhapsodie
- Debussy/ Prelude a l'Apres Midi d'un Faune
- Debussy/ Premiere Phapsodie
- Ravel/ Sonatine
Saxophone: Claude Delangle
Piano: Yien Wang
@Legacy Hall, River Center for the Performing Arts
What are you thinking about Delangle's perform from these pieces??
I wanna say, it was SO AMAZING night!!!
もう、素晴らしかった・・・!!の一言に尽きます。 特にやっぱり1曲めのデュクリュックかなあ〜・・・。
なかなかない光景ですね・・・。 彼は確かに曲によって変えたりするなんて話を聞いてましたが、本当だったのか。みたいな。
この曲はそれこそ・・・ 彼が昭和音大に来日した時に聞きましたが、またその時はちょっと違う印象。
ていっても、ごめんなさいやっぱり時間が経っちゃってるとダメですね・・・ もう感動したことしか覚えていない・・・。
いや、イギリスでもコンサート行ったことあるし、香港でもコンサートありましたが(どちらも勿論!素晴らしかったです)、あんな・・・ 観客みんながうわあああ!ってなるって、そうそうない機会だったように思います。
なんか、もうもはや彼のモノなんですよね。 いや、曲に誰のもの、とかそんなものはないというのは知っていますが、私がそれこそイベール(の1楽章だけとはいえ、)「モノ」に出来なかった。という感じがしていたので。
Again, I want to say, it was so amazing and wonderful performance!!!
Especially, I like his Decruck.
I didn't know Decruck's sonata before I listened to his recording.
Since then, I love this piece and I wanted to hear his playing in someday.
And, I got the chance to hear it!!!xD
It was great sounds and, especially 3 movement,,,, of course his technique is so great, you know?
His music shapes are so beautiful. Amazing...!!!
I can't describe my mind because of my English skills and vocabulary.
But, I can't say my mind exactly even Japanese.
There was so amazing space it can't express in words.
After his Ravel performance, all of audience were standing and clap hands.
It is, I think I never experienced to see performance with such a great audience.
(Great audience-> include me :P)
Can you believe all of us were standing and waiting for an encore?
ALL of US!!!!
そしてその後はセルマープレゼンツ! レセプションです。
After the concert, we had a reception party!!!
気がつけば集まる、アジアン・・・笑 with Claude Delangle!!!! やばいw
Oh, all of us, except Mr Delangle are Asian...!!
He is very kind and so great person! I wish we can meet in Japan =)
Tim McAllisterとも撮ってもらいました。きやあああ
With Tim McAllister!!! He came there too:)
(for his masterclass!)
...Oh, two of us are posing like Japanese style...lol
(Not Gangnam style.)
We couldn't stay longer but we had a great time there with a little bit alcohol. Hahaha!!!
Next day, semi-final round coming!
By the way, do you guess when will I finish to write about ISSAC??
So much memories are there... and so much experiences I gained there...
See you tomorrow,,, yeah, I think, "tomorrow"!!
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