
Slovenia Challenege-3 Competition


それは一体 何 な の か。


I know I wrote "Galapagos Kimura" as a title of this issue, in Japanese version.
(*Japan is often compared to Galapagos because of our way of develop, geographical feature... and so on.)

I want me to ask -What am I going to write?!?!

Ok. As my usual rules,  I'm going to talk randomly.


There're three days for first round.
My turn was on first day.
I thought this was good for me because I want to play early and hear other people's playing.
Some people say this opinion is sometimes not good for competition. But for me, it's ok.(Perhaps only this time:P)

Outside of the concert hall.

Waiting room. After I finish preparing, then go to backstage.

Here are 1st round requirement pieces.
■Lebic/ Invocatio
■Brahms/ Sonata Op.120-2 1mov. or Franc/ Violin Sonata 3mov.
一次は上記2曲でした。(後者の方は、選択でどっちかだけ。) 演奏順も自由。

私はBrahmsを選択。 いや〜難しかったねえ。その話はまた後でしようか。(オイ)

I chose Brahms. Ohhhh it was very tough one than I expected. Anyways, talk later.

After my performance. VERY sweet and good taste x)
Can you believe this was only 1 euro!!! Wowwwww!!!

That's why I ate gelato everyday when I was in Slovenia. lol

パフォーマンス後に。 めっちゃ甘くて良かったですー。


Yeah, in Nova Gorica, there are may Gelato shop and people eating Gelato often.
Nice culture :)

街の至る所にジェラートショップがあるんです。 いい文化だね:)

更にファイナルは半分の5人、となります。 つまり1次から考えると、10人にひとりの割合でファイナル進出という図になります。・・・今気がついた。w

First round, around 50 people compete
Then, ten people can play in second round
Five people can pass and play in final round

It means one in ten people can play in final round. Is it very few? Not? Well...

私は1次で終わってしまいましたので(あまり今回に関しては、あわよくば、もなかったなあ・・・ ISSACは多少あった。笑)、その後はゆっくり聞いてました。

うーん、それにしてもヨーロッパと日本。 全然違うものですね。
それにしても仕事が早かった! Adolphesax.com、すごい・・・!

Unfortunately I didn't pass the first round(because I knew I was not good enough to pass.So, next time:P), I could hear semi-finalists and finalists' performance, with very relax feeling.

I think there are different way between Japan and Europe -About music, concept of tone,,, and so on.

Many people have very good tone, especially finalists.
I need to re-build my tone, so little bit I feel jealous... (I'm little bit joking.)

There're performance video on YouTube(all of competitors!), so if you are interested, please visit and check the videos.
Here is not a link for my video, but exists on YouTube ;)
So you can watch interesting piece in semifinal round. -Saxophone with Gong!
(Play Gong while you're playing saxophone!! Can you imagine!?)


今日はここまで! Kでした。

In the meantime, I mainly described competition.
Here is the list of all requirement pieces. If you are interested, please check it out ;)

Ok, time is up!! Bye!

First round
 Cesar Franck: Sonata in A Major - III. mvt. or Johannes Brahms: Sonata, Op. 120 no. 2 - I. mvt.
 Lojze Lebič: Invocation /

Semi-finals (maximum 10 candidates)
 Peter Šavli: Visuddhi for alto saxophone solo and additional sounds (DSS)
One composition from the following list:
 William Albright: Sonata (Peters)
 Fernande Decruck: Sonate en Ut# (Billaudot)
 Edison Denisov: Sonata (Leduc)
 Alfred Desenclos: Prélude, Cadence et Finale (Leduc)
 Jindřich Feld: Sonata (Leduc)
 David Maslanka: Sonata (NASA)
 Janez Matičič: Repliques (DSS)
 Uroš Rojko: Godba (DSS)
 Florent Schmitt: Légende, Op. 66 (Durand)
 Nina Šenk: Impetus (DSS)
 Antoine Tisné: Espaces irradiés (Choudens)

Finale (maximum 5 candidates) Solo with the RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra conducted by En Shao:
 Henri Tomasi: Concerto (Leduc) or Jacques Ibert: Concertino da Camera (Leduc)
 Pavel Šivic: Saxophone suite - II. and III. mvt.

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