最近ちょっと更新遅いですからね。申し訳ないです。。 が、書く。笑
Wow, still I'm writing about HongKong trip even a month past already.
Sorry for the slow writing! But I'm gonna do!lol
My friends' performance
Since my arrival day, there're a couple of concerts.
In this time, I've got many things except the symposium.
I went to three concerts that are not related to the symposium.
These three concerts were at the same timing.
One of this was performed by one of HKISS friend, Chris;) -He played with his quartet, trio, duo, solo,,, and so on.
Second was that school orchestra concert, which my friend appeared as a soloist of a concerto.
Another was performed by two of HKISS friends.
Here is very interesting thing- many concerts don't start on time!lol
It is very rare in Japan...
All of them had great jobs!!
They improved a lot. And also, programing and presentation were very interesting.
Moreover, all concerts(except concerto one) were committed composers to make new piece for the concert/player.
(...I'm not sure this english is fine or not. well, I should work on grammar stuff..)
Well, a Korean composer came to my school and then he said "you should connect with composer(s)".
I finally got what he's meaning.
And, very interesting staging -two saxophonists play in dark, with two small lights and electronics music.
Even some people says "don't involve only staging stuff", it is one of important thing to make good performance and these challenges were impressed me.
Talk about concerto- My friend played Four pictures from NewYork, written by Molinelli.
I've played this piece as a member of saxophone ensemble in Match, so it reminds me this memory..
He played very well and I felt his growth.
Even he's in difficult situation, he worked so hard and finally he made it.
I can imagine his situation even I didn't meet him since ISSAC(competition, in last year).
Maybe he was very nervous while working very hard. But he made it.
それにしても、コンチェルト、いいなあ〜・・・ ちょっと見てて、いや、かなり、羨ましかったです。
I have a wish list. And "to play with orchestra/band as a soloist" is on my list.
So I thought I envy him(Sorry~)!!
Because of his effort, he can play with the orchestra.
I learned many things from him and his way of thinking. Great job la~~~
In the last of this article, I'm gonna put all of programs.
Faculties' concerts, Mi-bemol HongKong debut concert
両氏とも香港でかなり有名で、今回雲井さんが雲カルのCDを持って行ったそうなのですが、結局Sold out.むしろ足りない!てことになっていたとか。
It was VERY rare to play Kumoi-san and Sugawa-san at the same concert. Even Japan!
That's why I was really glad to hear both of great Japanese saxophone virtuosos in overseas, HongKong.
Both of saxophonists are popular in HongKong also.
Kumoi-san brought his and his quartet's CD, however it is not enough amount and immediately sold out!
Although I can describe something about the performances(except "JUST AWESOME!!!"), I want to put some words about their way of thinking -for performance.
Both of them practiced hard to give the best performance for audience.
(often they say "where/when can I practice?")
Many feelings coming and going...
Oh, of course I focused on their performance when they playing!!lol
Today's Japanese saxophonists' growth are led by Sugawa-san and Kumoi-san.
They and their teacher created today's great saxophone circumstance in Japan.
Regardless, I think I always think about Japan when I am in overseas.
(It means it is little bit difficult to aware of my country, culture also.)
When I think about it and see what happens in overseas, I always eager to study more and more.
Also I think I should look back about my behavior, way of study,,, and so on.
Just in my opinion- it is necessary to change and innovation to live in this way.
If I forget to be changed, then the time for ending.
David Nabbさんも、右手だけでこんなに出来てしまうものなんだと思ったり。
ちなみにこのOne handed saxophoneはYAMAHAのサックスがベースになっています。
Dr David Nabb also inspiring me.
I don't think he is using only one hand! Wow...
This saxophone is made by using YAMAHA saxophone, maybe.(I should restudy it :P )
And this is my point- there're different color of sounds between Japan and US.
When I heard Rousseau's sound, I thought same and also Dr Tse has close, but different color of sounds.
Not Japanese sounds I grow with.
There is another aesthetic of music. It is not what I've had.
However, I feel it's great. I like it.
Ok, talk about Mi-bemol concert!
Even I can hear in Osaka(far from my town but closer than HongKong.lol), it was first time to hear their playing IN HONG KONG.
Not only Hong Kong people, I also really enjoyed!!Also I was impressed.
Precise and beautiful ensemble, plentiful sound, and also nice programing!;)
I especially like encore piece!(See the program, in the end of this article.)
Dr Tse played Tomasi's rhapsody with them as a soloist.
Even there are so many players, we can hear soloist's rich sound and fabulous ensemble.
Of course because they are professional, however it is worth to think about Japanese music circumstance.
If Japan is not the present state, Mi-bemol never appeared, I think.
Because there're the environment to give/receive good education, they and also I can play music.
Likewise faculties' concerts, I thought about my country/culture...
I think I should not forget my passion for music to see overseas and work with many friends internationally.
Like Mi-bemol, I think it is interesting to be appeared a Japanese saxophonist(s) in international.
But, remember, it is the most important point- what I want to do, what I have and also who I am.
Just go? It is just trip. Just having fun. -It is not what I want to do.
(But wait, I love just trip for fun! ...I hope you can get it.)
At the concert, I finally became Mi-bemol fan!lol
ここからは付録。日付順。Here is appendix. -All programs of the concerts.
2013/July/11 -Musique de Quarte @ Recital hall, Sing Tao building, HongKong Baptiat University.
Carmen Fantasy/ G.Bizet
from Five Cameos- 3.Jota Espagnole, 4.Aria, 5.Carolina Cakewalk/ A.Reed
from Histoire du Tango -Nightclub 1960, Concert d'aujourd'hui/ A.Piazzolla
Someone to watch over me/ G.Garshwin
There's no business like show business/ I.Berlin
Quartet 711(premier performance)/ Chris Pang Yu Kan
from Concerto for Alto saxophone- 1 Song:fire in the Earth/ D.Maslanka
from Histoire du Tango -Cafe 1930/ A.Piazzolla
from Sonata Op.19 -1.With vigor/ P.Creston
from Scaramouche- 2.Modere, 3.Brazileira/ D.Milhaud
from Trio for Violin. Alto saxophone and piano- 2.Adagio/ R.Peterson
Pequena Czarda for alto saxophone/ P.Iturralde
Saxophone: Chik Chi Him, Yip Hiu Yeung, Lam ChingKiu, Lo Yeuk Hin(Chris Lo)
2013/July/14- Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts Concert Hall
Hong Kong Chamber Wind Philharmonia
Victor Tam, conductor
James L. Hosay: Persis Overture
Yukiko Nishimura: Summer Triangle(Masato Kumoi, soloist)
Gregory Fritze: Con-Tse-to(Kenneth Tse, soloist)
David Gillingham: With Heart & Voice
Giacomo Puccini: Tosca Fantasy (David Nabb, soloist)
Martin Ellerby: Cinnamon Concerto(Nobuya Sugawa, soloist)
2013/July/15 -Wah Yan Symphonic Night @ Y-Theatre, Youth square
Poet and peasant overture/ F.Suppe
Four pictures from New York/ R.Molinelli
(Soloist: Calvin Wong -Saxophone)
Flute concerto No.2 in J,K.314/ W.A.Mozart
(Soloist: Angus Lee -Flute)
Symphony No.9/ D.Shostakovich
School song of Wah Yan college, HongKong
School hymn of Wah Yan College, Kowloon
2013/July/17- Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts Concert Hall
Minako Sugawa, piano
Yvonne Lai, piano
David Maslanka: Tone Studies(Masato Kumoi)
Takashi Yoshimatsu: Fuzzy Bird Sonata(Nobuya Sugawa)
Jindrich Feld: Sonata -I, II & III movements(David Nabb)
Francois Schubert: The Bee (L'Abelle) (Kenneth Tse)David DeBoor Canfield: Ragtime Sonata after Joplin
David DeBoor Canfield: Elegy after Brahms
Jun Nagao: Paganini Lost (with Nobuya Sugawa)
2013/July/19- "Innovation" Saxophone duo concert tour @ HongKong Academy for performing arts concert hall
Oriental/ M.Katoh
On the nature of dreams(premier)/ A.Lee
Deux Interludes/ J.Ibert
Lin-Koh(燐光 *premier)/ K.Nakamura
Entangled(premier)/ W.T.Liao
Paganini Lost/ J.Nagao
Saxophone: Kuan-Wen Chen, Charles Ng
Piano: Thomas Yu-Tung Pan
Percussions: Kren Yu
Mi-bémol Saxophone Ensemble HK Debut Concert @Tsuen Wan Town Hall Auditorium 8:00p.m(!!!)
Georges Bizet: L'Arlesienne, 1st Suite
Henri Tomasi: Ballade for Alto Saxophone and Orchestra (Kenneth Tse, alto saxophone solo)
Chang Su Koh: Kodama, the spirit lodged in a wood
Antonín Dvořák: Serenade for String Orchestra, Op. 22Maurice Ravel: Bolero
*can't take my eyes off you*(encore)
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