Stage lighting was blue.-Only final! Looks good.
So today, I'm going to talk about : what did I learn through preparation and a result of the competition.
I always search competitions in overseas(so when you got information, please let me know.), and one day, I got the information about this competition.
Slovenia, well,,, I thought I have no chance to visit there except competition or something saxophone stuff.
And it's interesting event... Before I knew it, I've entered. Wow.
なんだけど、一回やめようと思ったんですよね。 無理だと思って。
However, Once I was going to quit competing. Because it's impossible for me.
Means, I don't have enough experiences of contemporary pieces. Very poor.
(You know, contemporary pieces are written by something special writing, require special technique such as (too high) altissimo, slap tongue... and so on)
I'm in very far to achieve. That's why I was going to quit.
This is,,, well, truly impossible, I thought. It was first time I think.
Because I'm always challenger like kid.
Then, I talked to my teacher "I think I quit compete.", next I told my pianist as well.
Maybe I was going to cancel if I didn't my new feeling.
When I say "impossible", "I'm gonna quit", then, someone came from my mind says "no, I know you can do."
If I didn't this opinion, I thought I would think "it was not impossible, perhaps...".
Finally I decided to follow the opinion which came from my mind.
Is it my true voice? Or other opinion to lead myself wrong way? I dunno...
It was, actually, I did do my best and it was good experience for me.
Even if I get same chance, I don't prefer to challenge...lol
But, well,,,, maybe I should do...lol
Especially contemporary pieces always made me cry. Really!!
I hate and I'm really happy I don't need to practice these pieces anymore!!!
However, I have another problem. Not only experiment of contemporary pieces.
If I could play contemporary pieces perfectly, I think I would not be a semi-finalist.
Because all of semi-finalists are very awesome and to be like these players, I need to practice and improve more.
For all these reasons, it was very good for me to join the competition and I think I got some energy for next my challenge.
...Oh, next my challenge I said...? Even I don't wanna play contemporary anymore...?lol
そしてお友達が出来るのがやっぱり良いですね。 更にはいろんなところにこういう機会を作っていけるのが、また良いですね。笑
I think there are some differences between Japan and international competition.
(But I've not competed since graduated high school. Oh.)
It is very interesting and also, it's really fun for me to make new friends and talk with them.
I met many Japanese players who have been studying in Euro. -It's also fun, of course!
やめようとはしましたけど、それなりに頑張ってみて収穫はありました。 割とヘコんだりもしましたけど。(;´Д`)
(いや、結構前後ヘコんでたかもしれない。 今はケロっとしてますけど。)
行ってみて、良かったですよ。 この後待つのは金欠地獄ですけど(汗)、たくさん得るものあったし、これからも節約してお金貯めてはどっか行こうと思います。
Summery-- Even I was going to quit once, it was, truly good to challenge.
I was sometimes nervous or sad for my performance, but now, it's ok. This is one of those things.
After the competition, I HAVE TO save my money but I already got so many things which can't buy.
I think I'm gonna try to save my money again and go to abroad for getting special experience like this time!
次は、おまけ編ー パリ珍道中(仮)です。 お楽しみに〜〜〜(なんか違うwww)
Next issue is gonna be the last of this series- Slovenia challenge.
Keep an eye out!lol Bye!
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