I went to school library to see a magazine.
The magazine, PIPERS has been specializing wind instruments.
Another magazine, for example Band journal(writing about brass band) is often seen at book store but PIPERS doesn't.
I think it is rare to see it at book store... Often see at music shop like Yamaha store.
I didn't read this recently but I wanted to read an article in it.
This is interview page -Ko-ichiro Yamamoto, trombone player is featured.
あれ?あーたサックスでしょ?って? ーはい。笑
Oh, you're playing sax? -Yeah.
(it's extra info- next to the interview page, there are interesting saxophone article. About history of saxophone!)
He was a teacher of Trombone class at Hamamatsu international wind instruments academy in 2010.
His way of teaching, playing... All he do with trombone was very interesting and also useful for my playing saxophone.
What I thought after I reading it?
I wanna say, you should read it, especially music students! And that's why I'm writing here!
But, maybe the message from him is not reaching for your heart if you don't think same think or something close in bottom of your heart.
If you think about same stuffs unconsciously, I think it will be touch your heart.
After he graduated high school, he already started to study in overseas and now he is principle trombone player of Seattle symphony orchestra.
It is maybe one of reason why I thought he is interesting. -He has another way of thinking.
For example, he says:
アメリカではプレーヤーは、ある意味精巧で丈夫な「機械」であることが求められる。それに付随して、音楽的な要素。In America, player requires to being like tough refrigerator, vacuum-cleaner.
Not break and elaborate.
After that, add each player's musicality.
He is talking in Japanese and perhaps my english is not appropriate to describe what he means...
(If you are doubt about this opinion, I think just my english is weird to describe :P )
He uses the words like this to illustrate a requirement how to become great musician.
I thought same thing when I joined a competition in Georgia, USA.
The winners are like Iron Man because they can play many tough pieces and have strong mental.
...I thought!! This is just my opinion!lol
I mean, each of them have each strong point, but same firm basic skills.
The firm basic skills comes first, and then each strong point/musicality comes.
I found my tweet which I did in Georgia:
ちょっとつついたぐらいじゃぐらつかない確固たるものが必要で。それがなければ彼らとやりあえないし、世界じゃやっていけないというのを改めて思い知った。I think I need to get something stronger and unshakable faith.
Otherwise I can't play with them as a competitor, or a world-class player.
「この人は通るだろうな」と思った人は通ってたので、スタイルに関わらず必要な物ってのがあり、それを持ってた人が通った。いい勉強になりました。Competitors who I thought "this is great" could pass.
So I got evidence that competitor who has firm basic skill can go forward to next round.
It is not so big deal to have different music style or not.
メンタル面?技術面? 多分どっちもですね。言わずもがな。
Being like refrigerator he mentioned, means same feeling like I mentioned.
Mentally or technically? Probably both.
However, as we know, no one can keep stable one's condition eternally.
(I mean, perhaps some people can behave like Mr or Ms perfect. but it's technically not.)
He says:
It is better people say "your trombone was out of your control" than people say "you was not good at musically".
Absolutely correct ;)
This subtitle is "student is not able to fill if you haven't lost the air that school kids have".
Lesson is same as recital- it is the lowest duty to complete assignment and perform like playing in recital.
Student should prepare all things she/he can during practice.
...It is really difficult to describe in english but I did it... Yeahhhh good exercise for me.
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