
What do you have in your saxophone case?

Hi everybody! I'm Kei!
It's been a long time since I wrote an article in English last time...
Feel strange but it doesn't matter because I always say "it's been a long time since I blogged in English last time". lol

I wrote same stuff in Japanese and now I'm trying to post in English!
Today's topic is... What do you have in your saxophone case?

Of course I know this is depend on a situation. Not same.
But I always have saxophone(of course!), reeds, two straps, mouthpiece, tuner, metronome and mirror(to check embouchure).

Here is a photo what I have.

Maybe some saxophonists have swabs as well.
But some people don't put their score(s) in the case because of capacity of the instrument case.
(Some cases can contain only instrument and few stuff.)

Me? I'm using BAM case and it is able to contain a lot of stuffs in the bag!

It must be heavy if I put a lot of stuffs in my bag, so I'm keeping not bring too many junk or something not needed.

What do you have in your instrument case? You???

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